

Blogger Buzz2 years ago
A better Blogger experience on the web
Since 1999, millions of people have expressed themselves on Blogger. From detailed posts about almost every apple variety you could ever imagine to a blog dedicated to the art of blogging itself, the ability to easily share, publish and express oneself on the web is at the core of Blogger’s mission. As the web constantly evolves, we want to ensure anyone using Blogger has an easy and intuitive experience publishing their content to the web. That’s why we’ve been slowly introducing an improved web experience for Blogger. Give the fresh interface a spin by clicking “Try the New Blog... 浏覽完全內容
Blogger Buzz4 years ago
An update on Google+ and Blogger
Following the announcement of Google+ API deprecation scheduled for March 2019, a number of changes will be made to Blogger’s Google+ integration on 4 February 2019. *Google+ widgets:* Support for the “+1 Button”, “Google+ Followers” and “Google+ Badge” widgets in Layout will no longer be available. All instances of these widgets will be removed from all blogs. *+1 buttons:* The +1/G+ buttons and Google+ share links below blog posts and in the navigation bar will be removed. Please note that if you have a custom template that includes Google+ features, you may need to update ... 浏覽完全內容
Blogger Buzz4 years ago
It’s spring cleaning time for Blogger
To make room for some exciting updates coming soon to Blogger, we’re simplifying the platform to enhance the blogging experience for all of our users. Changes to existing features in Blogger *(rolling out over the next few months)*: - *Google+ Integrations:* Throughout the next few months, Blogger will transform Google+ widget integrations into HTML widgets to give you more flexibility in how you share and see your followers. - *OpenID:* Blogger previously allowed users to comment on blogs using an existing third party OpenID identity provider and has also acted as ... 浏覽完整內容
Blogger Buzz6 years ago
Share your unique style with new Blogger themes
If you’re one of the millions of people who uses Blogger to share your views on current affairs, teach the world how to make sushi, or just offer a peek into your day, then you know how important it is to be able to put your personal stamp on your blog. After all, your blog isn’t just a place you share, it’s a reflection of who you are and the impression you’d like to leave with your readers. To make it easier for you to express your unique style, we’ve created a new set of blog themes for you to choose from. Each theme comes in a variety of colors, is fully customizable, and can be... 浏覽完全內容
Blogger Buzz6 years ago
A first few tweaks toward a better Blogger
From New York to Jakarta, Blogger is one of the most popular ways to publish the things you’re passionate about. Still, we’ve heard that there’s more we can do to make the platform a better place to have your unique voice be heard. So we’ll be making some adjustments over time to bring you a faster, easier to use and more beautiful Blogger. To kick things off, we’ve taken a crack at simplifying Blogger’s dashboard so that it’s easier for you to get right to the tools you need. Now, whenever you open Blogger, you’ll be taken right to your blog with the most recent post, putting you o... 閱讀完全內容
Blogger Buzz6 years ago
More custom template flexibility
Last May, we added some expressions to our templating language to make it easier for you to customize your blog’s look and feel. These new expressions proved popular with those of you who enjoy advanced blogging tools, so we wanted to offer you even more flexibility. Starting today, we’re introducing a new set of operators, which we’re calling lambda expressions, that allow you to apply rules to whole sets of data (think posts, comments, or labels), rather than just individual instances. Let’s say you wanted to add a flower image to all posts with the label “Flower,” for example. ... 浏覽完整內容
Blogger Buzz6 years ago
Keep your readers interested with the AdSense Guide to Audience Engagement
Today, information is at our fingertips and we can access it from anywhere on any device. Just a few taps pull up millions of websites all competing for our attention. For bloggers, engaging with your audience has never been more important or more challenging. To help lay the foundation to a winning engagement strategy, the AdSense team created the AdSense Guide to Audience Engagement. Research shows that 29% of smartphone users will immediately switch to another site or app if it doesn’t satisfy their needs. To help keep your audience engaged, get your free copy of the AdSense... 閱讀完全內容
Blogger Buzz6 years ago
Bringing HTTPS to all blogspot domain blogs
*[Cross-posted from the Google Security Blog]* HTTPS is fundamental to internet security; it protects the integrity and confidentiality of data sent between websites and visitors' browsers. Last September, we began rolling out HTTPS support for blogspot domain blogs so you could try it out. Today, we’re launching another milestone: an HTTPS version for every blogspot domain blog. With this change, visitors can access any blogspot domain blog over an encrypted channel. The HTTPS indicator in the Chrome browserAs part of this launch, we're removing the HTTPS Availability setting. Even ... 浏覽完全內容
Blogger Buzz6 years ago
An update to the Blogger post editor to help with mixed content
Back in September, we announced that HTTPS support was coming to blogspot.com, making it possible for you to encrypt connections to your blog; since then, many of you have enabled HTTPS for your blogs. In some cases, not all of your blog’s functionality has worked over HTTPS due to mixed content errors often stemming from your template, gadgets, or blog post content. To help spot and fix some of these errors, we're releasing a mixed content warning tool that alerts you to possible mixed content issues in your posts, and gives you the option to fix them automatically before saving. ... 閱讀完全內容
Blogger Buzz7 years ago
Best practices for reviewing products you've received for free
*Editor's note: This post was cross posted from the Google Webmaster Central Blog.* As a form of online marketing, some companies today will send bloggers free products to review or give away in return for a mention in a blogpost. Whether you’re the company supplying the product or the blogger writing the post, below are a few best practices to ensure that this content is both useful to users and compliant with Google Webmaster Guidelines. 1. Use the nofollow tag where appropriate Links that pass PageRank in exchange for goods or services are against Google guidelines ... 浏覽完全內容
Blogger Buzz7 years ago
An update on Google Friend Connect
In 2011, we announced the retirement of Google Friend Connect for all non-Blogger sites. We made an exception for Blogger to give readers an easy way to follow blogs using a variety of accounts. Yet over time, we’ve seen that most people sign into Friend Connect with a Google Account. So, in an effort to streamline, in the next few weeks we’ll be making some changes that will eventually require readers to have a Google Account to sign into Friend Connect and follow blogs. As part of this plan, starting the week of January 11, we’ll remove the ability for people with Twitter, Yahoo... 浏覽完全內容
Blogger Buzz7 years ago
Highlight the posts that matter the most
As bloggers, we all know how important it is to post frequently in order to encourage readers to come back. Of course, the more you post, the more quickly your posts slip down into the archives, making it harder for your readers to discover everything you’ve posted that they might be interested in. To help make it easier to showcase the posts you want your readers to see, we’ve created a new gadget called Featured Post. With Featured Post, you can choose posts you’ve shared on your blog and highlight them wherever you’d like. Whether you’d like to re-share that delicious holiday r... 浏覽完全內容
Blogger Buzz7 years ago
HTTPS support coming to Blogspot
This morning we posted an update about Blogspot to Google’s Security Blog https://googleonlinesecurity.blogspot.com/2015/09/https-support-coming-to-blogspot.html. Since 2008, we've worked to encrypt the connections between our users and Google servers. Over the years we've announced that Search, Gmail, Drive, and many other products have encrypted connections by default, and most recently, we've made a similar announcement for our ads products. In this same vein, today we're expanding on the HTTPS Everywhere mission and beginning an initial rollout of HTTPS support for Blogspot. H... 浏覽完全內容
Blogger Buzz7 years ago
Even more expansions to the Blogger template language
Recently we introduced a new set of expressions to the Blogger templating language, designed to let you customize the HTML of each post and page on your blog. We’ve gotten great feedback on them, so we figured we'd offer even more. Now you can try out new tags, like: - b:elseif for a simpler multiple-case b:if branch. - b:switch and b:case for succinctly handling several possible cases of a variable. - b:eval for evaluation of more complex expressions involving data variables. - b:with for creating a nicer variable alias for a calculated value. An example of c... 浏覽完全內容
Blogger Buzz7 years ago
Adding new expressions to Blogger templates
Blogger's template engine is powered by a flexible editing language, consisting of a set of Widget Tags which use expressions to conditionally change the output HTML for each post and page on your blog. Using these expressions, you can customize the HTML output of your blog, to adjust the look and feel. You could, for example, show an image behind the header, but only on the homepage. Or add a flower icon, next to a post's title, if the post has the 'Flower' label. You can customize your blog's template under Settings > Template > Edit HTML. You can customize your template’s mark... 浏覽完全內容
Blogger Buzz8 years ago
Custom domains for your blog made easy
You invest a lot of time in your blog, making sure it fits your personal brand and style. And a big part of making it your own comes from what you call it and where it lives. Blogger has long let you host your blog on a custom domain, so that you can give it any URL you choose. To make that process even easier, starting today, we’re integrating Blogger directly with Google Domains, allowing you to purchase a custom domain for your blog right from Blogger with just a few clicks. If your blog is itching for a new home, you can grab one via Google Domains by popping open Blogger and he... 浏覽完整內容
Blogger Buzz8 years ago
Making it easier to manage pages on your blog
Adding pages to your blog can be a great way to organize content - like ‘About me’ or ‘Advertise’ sections. To make managing pages easier, we redesigned the ‘Pages’ tab in the Blogger dashboard to make it look and feel more like something you’re already familiar with: managing posts. *The new look for the pages list on each blog* With the new design, you can: - View important details about your pages like view count and comments - Manage multiple pages at once with new selection tools - Easily see whether pages are in draft, imported, or published states *The new look for ... 閱讀完整內容
Blogger Buzz9 years ago
Earn money from your blog this holiday season
The holiday season is here and retailers are spending more on online advertising to promote their products. Your blog has valuable space and you can earn some extra money by placing Google AdSense ads next to your content. If you don’t already have AdSense set up on your blog, visit the Earnings tab of your Blogger dashboard to give it a try. It’s free and only takes a moment to sign up. And if you’ve tried AdSense out in the past, head to your blog and give it a second look. It now has updated controls, so you can match the ads that appear to the style of your blog. Happy holida... 浏覽完全內容
Blogger Buzz9 years ago
Automatically share your blog posts to Google+
Notifying your followers that you've published a new blog post not only gets the conversation going, it encourages them to reshare your content with others. In this way it's critical for growing your blog's audience and engagement. But it takes time. And we want to give you that time back. Starting today you can automatically share your blog posts publicly to Google+ — as soon as you publish them, with no additional clicks. And of course: if you've enabled Google+ Comments, any replies on Google+ will also appear on your blog. Blog post Google+ postIf you've connected a Google+ page... 浏覽完整內容
Blogger Buzz9 years ago
Expanding your audience with Google+: Kelly Saks' story
From time to time, we like to highlight bloggers who successfully use Blogger and other Google products. Today we're featuring how Kelly Saks from Kelly's Kloset reached a wider audience with Blogger and Google+. *All about Kelly: * Kelly Saks, the blogger behind Kelly’s Kloset, is a fashion and beauty expert based in Miami, Florida. Kelly posts daily musings on outfits, beauty tips, and local happenings. She has successfully transformed blogging from hobby to career, landing styling gigs with brands like Bloomingdales, Swarovski, and Macy’s. *How she did it: * Kelly always shares h... 閱讀完全內容

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